January 23, 2025

Types of Hair Loss in Women and it’s prevention strategies

Reading Time: 3 minutes

By Neucrad Health News Desk March 30, 2019

Hair loss in women is a pervasive disorder affecting almost two-thirds of the population mostly after attaining menopause. In most of the cases, hair fall in women is hereditary; however, hormonal imbalance and pollution also play a role in this condition. Losing 50 to 100 strands of hair every day is standard. When you tend to shed more hair, then it may lead to baldness if left untreated over time. The primary difference between male and female hair loss is, hair loss in men initiates at the front of the head and progresses backwards, whereas, female hair fall starts from their parting line and then occurs all over the head. Though there is minimal chance of going entirely bald, many women experience extensive thinning of hair.

Types Of Hair Loss In Women

There are five types of hair loss in women based on the pattern and nature of hair fall. Detailed below is a brief description of each type.

Androgenetic Alopecia

Androgenetic alopecia is the most widespread form of hair loss for both men and women. In this case, individuals experience diffuse thinning of hair across all areas of the scalp. Usually, androgenic alopecia occurs in women due to the action of male hormones called androgens. They are present in minute quantity in the female body. However, due to conditions like the presence of ovarian cysts,  intake of birth control pills, pregnancy, or menopause there can be an androgen imbalance in the body. Under these conditions, the male hormone testosterone converts to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is the prime culprit of androgenic alopecia. It damages the hair follicles triggering hair loss.

Telogen Effluvium

Hair growth occurs in three phases- growing phase anagen, transitional phase catagen, and resting phase telogen. Whenever women undergo any traumatic experience like severe infection, major surgery, malnutrition, childbirth, or extreme stress, then they may experience extensive hair loss. It is known as telogen effluvium, and here approximately 30 percent of hair follicles remain at telogen state. Under normal circumstances, only  5 to 10 per cent hair is in the telogen phase. This condition can last from six weeks to three months at a time.

Anagen Effluvium

In most of the cases, anagen effluvium occurs due to the side effects of chemotherapy drugs. These medications target rapidly dividing cells of the body like malignant cells and hair follicles in the anagen phase. Many women experience 90 per cent of hair loss after chemotherapy sessions. Here, hair shafts fracture and break off from the scalp.

Alopecia Areata

In this case, individuals own immune system damages the hair follicles. It can occur all of a sudden and hair loss occur in round patches. The good news is, hair regrowth ( in approximately 70 per cent cases) happens on its own and the condition usually does not require any treatment.

Traction Alopecia

In traction alopecia hair fall occurs due to tight hairstyles like tight ponytails, use of hair extensions, or tight braiding. Pulling of hair strands for long duration causes this type of hair loss.

Prevention Of Hair Loss In Women

Hair loss in women can be prevented to a considerable extent by following the below-mentioned tips.

Eating Nutritious Food

In many cases, hair fall occurs due to malnutrition. It not only depends on how much food you are consuming but also on the quality of food intake. Include fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and eggs in sufficient quantity in your diet. If hair fall continues, even after taking care of dietary requirements, then immediately book an appointment with Dermatologists.

Iron And Zinc Supplements

Women having less than 70 nanograms of iron per millilitre of blood can suffer from hair loss. Research has also established that deficiency of zinc can also lead to hair fall. So, taking a supplement of these to micronutrients can promote hair growth. However, consult your dermatologist for the exact doses of these supplements.

Manage Your Stress

Ongoing stress in life can harm hair growth. Manage your stress by enrolling in yoga or meditation classes. These exercises help in the circulation of blood throughout the body and maintain sugar and hormone in the standard range. Studies have proved, they also have a beneficial role in hair growth.

Finally, we can say, do not neglect hair fall; if it goes on for a prolonged duration even after following preventive measures, immediately book an appointment with a reputed dermatologist of your area.