October 22, 2024
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By Neucrad Health India news desk April 21, 2019

Though oral health and hygiene is a crucial parameter for the general well-being of the body, it often gets neglected, and we start taking it seriously only after we suffer from a critical medical issue. Children specifically tend to postpone dental check-ups unless they experience severe tooth or gum pain. It is a fact that our mouth is a window into the health and functioning of the vital systems. In many occasions, you would find that systemic diseases affecting the functions of body systems first become apparent as mouth lesions and other oral issues.

Dentists and other Physicians advocate people to take care of their oral hygiene, specifically the gums and teeth. It would help them to live without any dental issues and maintain natural teeth throughout life. Dentists recommend going for routine dental check-ups for at least twice a year for proper maintenance of oral hygiene. Moreover, everyone should brush their teeth twice a day without fail, and rinse their mouth with mouth-wash at regular intervals. Here are some common queries which you would like to know about oral hygiene.

What is the relationship between oral health and overall well-being of the body?

Our mouth is home to numerous bacteria, most of which are harmless and good immunity and oral hygiene with regular brushing and flossing usually keeps them under control. However, there are some medical conditions like diabetes and HIV/AIDS that lowers the immunity of the body and may lead to oral infection. Moreover, some medications like decongestants, antihistamines, analgesics, antidepressants, and diuretics reduce the flow of saliva. Salivary juice is essential in protecting the mouth from microbial invasion and neutralising the acids produced by breaking down of food, so a reduction in it may also cause oral infection.

What are the common oral infections that individuals may suffer?

There are several medical issues which may develop in mouth including dental caries (tooth decay), gingivitis (early gum disease), periodontitis (severe gum infection spreading below the gum line and can cause tooth loss), tooth erosion, tooth sensitivity, and mouth sores.

What are the symptoms of dental caries?

Common symptoms of dental caries include toothache, sensitivity, sharp pain while consuming sweet, hot, or cold food, visible brown or black stain on the centre of the tooth, development of pits in the teeth, and pain while biting something.

How can you prevent the development of dental caries?

You can easily avoid dental caries or tooth decay by brushing your teeth twice a day using a fluoride-based toothpaste, rinse your mouth with mouthwash after consuming food, and consider dental sealants which is a plastic coating for covering grooves and chewing surface of back teeth. Additionally, avoid sugar-rich eatables if you are prone to carries, stay away from frequent snacking, and drink tap water containing an extra dose of fluoride.

What are the treatments of dental caries?

The treatments of dental caries depend upon the extent of tooth damage. If caries has just started, then, dentists recommend fluoride treatment to reverse the condition. Fillings or restorations are useful when caries extends beyond the initial stage. In advanced stages of tooth decay, dentists prescribe crown formation, root canal treatment, and tooth extraction.

What is root canal treatment?

Dentists usually recommend root canal treatment or RCT to save and repair a severely decayed tooth. Here the doctors remove the nerve and pulp of the tooth, and after that they clean and seal it with a sealer paste and gutta percha. Finally, Dentists place a synthetic crown over the sealed tooth.

Why do wisdom teeth commonly become impacted?

Wisdom teeth or third molars usually erupt during the age of 17 to 21 after the eruption of all the teeth. At this stage, there is less space in the gum, and there are chances of the tooth getting impacted or blocked while pushing through the gum. It can be painless, or the flap of gum above the tooth may become infected and lead to pericoronitis.

These were some common queries about oral hygiene and dental issues. However, it is necessary to visit the dental clinic twice a year for routine check-ups to keep your gums and teeth disease free. You may consult with your dentist for any concern.