January 22, 2025

ICMR licenses technology for diarrhea vaccine to industry

ICMR licenses technology-1
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Neucrad Health India, April 30, 2019

Source credit: India Science wire (by Jyoti Singh)

Shigellosis has a huge disease burden globally causing about 125 million diarrheal incidences annually and about 160,000 deaths. Researchers from ICMR-National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases (NICED) have developed an indigenous vaccine to tackle this disease. Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has licensed the technology for further scaling up and commercialization of this vaccine to MSD Wellcome Trust Hilleman Laboratories.

To control Shigella infection in an effective way, the vaccine has been developed in the form of heat treated/formalin killed vaccine as well as next generation vaccine including OmpA nano-formulation and OMVs (Outer Membrane Vesicles).

Professor Balram Bhargava, Secretary, Department of Health Research and Director General, ICMR, said that it was a major step to pave the way for development of the first indigenous Shigella vaccine. He expressed commitment of ICMR in extending all support for expeditious development and commercialization of cost-effective vaccine based on the technology for the benefit of people.

“The vaccine has been developed in the form of heat treated/formalin killed vaccine as well as next generation vaccine including OmpA nano-formulation and OMVs (Outer Membrane Vesicles). ”

Dr. Hemanta Koley, lead inventor of the vaccine, said the licensed vaccine candidate has shown significant immune response and protective efficacy against the infection during studies in various animal models.

Dr. Purnima Sharma, Managing Director, BCIL said the collaboration brings together four institutes with complementary strengths and BCIL was committed to provide necessary assistance to stakeholders in achieving the timeline for commercialization of this much-needed vaccine. The licensed vaccine candidate has been developed through support from ICMR, Okayama University, Japan and National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan.

Shigellosis is an infectious disease, marked by bloody diarrhoea with or without fever and is caused by Shigella species. Management of shigellosis includes improvement of sanitation, rehydration therapy and most essentially, antibiotic therapy