Cannabis Oil Showed Promising Relief From Seizures In Dog Model

Epi-dog showing the alarm that is connected directly to the Medical Services. Illustration credit to Elisabeth Magnusson Rune, CC BY-SA 3.0
By Neucrad Health May 10, 2019
In a recent pet study conducted in Japan, scientists found out that cannabidiol (CBD) can offer relief to animals suffering from seizures. It is a matter of great comfort for pet-parents and dog lovers as nothing is more pathetic than seeing their pets suffer while experiencing bouts of seizures. Situations can turn worse when they become agitated and barked restlessly. However, research scholars from the Yamazaki University of Animal Health found satisfactory results to this condition when they administered CBD to a sample of three dogs on an empty stomach twice a day. Though the sample size is relatively small, and it is difficult to draw broad conclusions of the study at this stage, animal lovers have appreciated this concept and welcomed this move. The findings of this study have been published in the Journal Pet Behaviour Science, and before this U.S. Food and Drug Administration has also approved the use of Epidiolex in humans which is a CBD-based oral medication.
How the research scholars carried out the study in Japan?
Scientists of the Yamazaki University of Animal Health introduced CBD to three dogs for eight weeks in the age group three to eleven years. All these dogs suffered bouts of seizure attacks in the past. The youngest dog was a three-year-old puppy Labrador Retriever who have been experiencing seizures since he was six months of age. The second dog was a 10-year-old Chihuahua who suffered this condition since his age was three years. The final dog was an eleven-year-old Papillon, having the disease from four years of age.
What are the findings of the study?
Two dogs of this sample experienced improvement in conditions, while in the third one there were no significant changes. The Labrador Retriever parent reported the puppy slept well and barked less frequently during the day after the completion of the medicine course. The Chihuahua owner also felt the dog showed less aggression in the presence of known individuals like the kids of the owner’s family. However, there were no significant behavioural changes in the 11-year-old Papillon after the CBD treatment. All the three dogs received “plant-derived formulation” of CBD where the hemp extract was present in a coconut oil base. All the canines got examined after every two weeks during the eight weeks treatment course.
What are the causes of seizures in dogs?
When dogs undergo bouts of seizures, they experience uncontrolled shaking in the body which may be only for a few seconds or can last for several minutes. They can become aggressive during this condition and bark excessively. There are several causes behind seizures in canines. Studies have revealed that kidney and liver diseases, cancer, head injury, and electrolytic imbalances are the most common causes of seizures in dogs. Sometimes, topical flea and ticks in their body are also responsible for this condition. Excessive intake of herbicides and pesticides can also cause seizures. However, we should remember, in most cases, regular bouts of seizures occur due to epilepsy. In this condition, there is a sudden burst of uncontrolled electrical activity in the canine’s brain.
What is CBD Oil?
CBD or Cannabidiol is a product of cannabis plants. However, this compound, unlike tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is free from psychoactive properties due to its unique chemical composition. CBD impacts the activities of the brain and other parts of the nervous system in mammals.
How much is CBD Oil safe for dogs?
The doses of CBD oil should always be fixed after consultation with an experienced veterinary doctor. In most of the cases, the sizes and age of the dog play a vital role in determining the doses. Doctors take the weight of your dog and based on that prescribe the correct measure of medicine. There are two forms of CBD medicine for dogs; it is available as chewable tablets and as oil or tinctures. You may opt for a suitable form based on your dog’s preferential eating habits.
Finally, we can say, seizures and epileptic attack in any living organism whether it is human or dogs is a painful one. Getting the right medicine to control it is a positive approach towards treatment.